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Water treatment: YAMAHA Clean Water Supply System

Water treatment: YAMAHA Clean Water Supply System

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.

YAMAHA Clean Water Supply System Improves People's Lives in Rural Areas

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. is offering a Clean Water Supply System designed to supply clean drinking water in rural areas using sand filtration. With a solar PV system, the system can be installed and run without being constrained by accessibility to electrical grid. The system does not require high running costs, neither complicated installation nor maintenance. As a result, the system has already been implemented many places in Asia and Africa (16 units in Asia; 27 units in Africa) since 2003, showing significant improvements in sanitation and health conditions in installed places.

The Clean Water Supply System is also expected to change people’s lifestyle by reducing time spent for fetching water and improving productivity on work or study. It can also help to create new business opportunities in the community such as water delivery services, cleaning and ice-making.

Major Features and Advantages

I. Low Cost
Compared to other technologies such as rapid filtration and membrane filtration, the running cost is cheaper as no coagulant or membrane filters are required.

II. Ease of Installation and Maintenance
We supervise local residents for installation work and train them for ongoing maintenance. The system is designed for simple installation and maintenance.

III. Duplicability
The system is highly duplicable for rural areas, whether an electrical grid connection is available or not, as long as there is a surface water source.

Technology Data

Conceivable applications

The Yamaha Clean Water Supply System is a water purification system using slow sand filtration which is primarily intended to provide rural residents with clean drinking water. As most rural areas are not yet connected to an electrical grid, a solar PV system is available within the same package to provide the power source.

Competitive advantage

The system has the following three advantages:

  1. Low cost
    Compared to other technologies such as rapid filtration and membrane filtration, the running cost is cheaper as no coagulant or membrane filters are required.
  2. Easy installation and maintenance
    We supervise local residents for installation work and train them for ongoing maintenance. The system is designed for simple installation and maintenance.
  3. Duplicability
    The system is highly duplicable for rural areas, whether an electrical grid connection is available or not, as long as there is a surface water source.


Removable items

  • NTU refers to the “nephelometric turbidity unit”, as determined by WHO guidelines.
  • CU refers to the “color unit”, here showing the “apparent color.”
  • TCU refers to the “true color unit”, as determined by WHO guidelines.



Installation area 10 m × 8 m
Purification method Slow sand filtration system (Physical filter + Biological filter + Chlorine disinfection)
Main components Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) tanks, Control panel, Filter media (Gravel, Sand), Electric pumps, Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes
Total weight Approx. 27 tons
Water purification throughput capability Approx. 8,000 L/day
Purified water storage capacity Approx. 3,000 L
Power supply Single phase 220 V (AC)
Electricity consumption Approx. 5 kWh/day
Operation time 24-hour automatic operation
Water faucet 1
Electric pumps Four (including a raw water suction pump)
Chlorine solution supply system Automatic (with a chlorine feeder pump)
Packing for shipment 2 x 20-foot containers (including filter media) without solar PV system
3 x 20-foot containers (including filter media) with solar PV system



Installation area 4 m × 3 m
Purification method Slow sand filtration system (Physical filter + Biological filter + Chlorine disinfection)
Main components FRP tanks, Control panel, Filter media (Gravel, Sand), Electric pumps, PVC pipes
Total weight Approx. 7 tons
Water purification throughput capability Approx. 2,500 L/day
Purified water storage capacity Approx. 600 L
Power supply Single phase 220 V (AC)
Electricity consumption Approx. 1.7 kWh/day
Operation time 24-hour automatic operation
Water faucet 1
Electric pumps One (raw water suction pump)
Chlorine solution supply system Manual (with a chlorine dispenser)
Packing for shipment 1 x 20-foot container (including filter media) without solar PV system
2 x 20-foot containers (including filter media) with solar PV system


Purification flow

■ Key points regarding the slow sand filtration flow
     – Water flow speed is slow (4-5 m/day)
     – Sand must be uniform size (under 1 mm)


Technical maturity / Past record of introduction

The system has been sold since 2003. To date, 16 units have been installed in Asia and 27 units in Africa. In Ethiopia, the company installed 1 facility in the project organized by UNIDO Headquarter. 


Conceivable risk

Technical risk: The quality of purified water could fluctuate and accidentally deteriorate due to weather conditions.
Security risk: There is a risk of theft of the high-cost solar panels and water pumps.

To mitigate the risks mentioned above, we train local users and residents to continuously monitor weather conditions and regarding how to implement theft prevention measures.

Company Data

Name Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
Address 2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-ken, Japan
Capital Yamaha: JPY 85,797 million (as of March 31, 2018)
Contact person Mr. Masashi KANEMARU
Group Manager
Clean Water Project Group
Business Promotion Division
Overseas Market Development Operation Business Unit
Tel.: +81-538-37-1717
Fax.: +81-538-37-1954
E-mail: [email protected]
URL (further information):
Number of employees Consolidated: 53,977
Parent: 10,614 
 (as of December 31, 2018)
Date of company foundation July 1, 1955
The type of business Manufacturing and sales of equipment for ground, maritime and aerial transportation and engines, and environmental equipment.

Modality of business transaction

We firstly conduct an extensive study regarding technology transfer of our Clean Water Supply System and aim to build up specific technology transfer knowhow.

Export of product
We procure necessary equipment for exporting to the destination country. This equipment includes FRP tanks, a control panel, filter media (gravels and sands), electric pumps, and PVC pipes.


Schematic illustration of the technology

 Business concept and anticipated benefits

 A dependable clean water supply delivers significant improvements to lifestyles

The Yamaha Clean Water Supply System converts river or holding pond water into clean water. Access to clean water is known to improve sanitation and reduce the occurrence of ailments such as diarrhea and fever. Easy clean water access also saves time and labor involved in fetching daily household water from a well, pond, or river. Time can therefore be spent more productively on work or study. A clean water source can also change people’s lives in other ways, helping to create new business opportunities for the community such as water delivery services, cleaning, and ice-making. Forming a committee to manage the water supply system can also promote self-government and self-reliance functions in the community.


Contact Person(s)

Mr. Masashi KANEMARUE-mail: [email protected]

*Please mention that you saw UNIDO's website when making the first contact with the company.

Registered Category

  • Environmental Technologies : Pollution Prevention and Control
  • Human Health Technologies : Public health