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The joint workshop between ITPO Tokyo and companies on “Environmental Technology Database”

The joint workshop between ITPO Tokyo and companies on “Environmental Technology Database”

The joint workshop was held between UNIDO ITPO Tokyo and companies which were registered or interested in “Environmental Technology Database” on 15 March 2016.

This workshop was the first attempt to have more discussion of further utilization of the “Environmental Technology Database” and relationship between listed companies which tried to transfer their own technology to developing countries. Particularly, the opinion was exchanged there of how to follow up companies after publication on the database and what to do better based on it. After the workshop, companies shared positive feedback on this occasion.


Date/Time: 15 March 2016 (Tue.), 15:00 -17:00
Venue     :
United Nations University HQs, Tokyo, 5F, Committee Room 1

Participating Companies:


2    Shinko Tecnos Co., Ltd. (*1)

3    Donico Inter Co., Ltd.

4    Daylight Energy Co., Ltd.

(*1) Detailed information about their technology on “Environmental Technology Database” 


1.  Opening Remarks
     Dr. Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, Head, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
2.  Company introduction of their profile and activity
3.  Introduction of business of UNIDO ITPO Tokyo for companies
4.  Exchange of opinion between UNIDO ITPO Tokyo and companies