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Webinar "Investment Opportunities in Hi-Tech Parks in Bangladesh", 16 February 2023

Webinar "Investment Opportunities in Hi-Tech Parks in Bangladesh", 16 February 2023

UNIDO ITPO Tokyo, jointly with the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA) and the Embassy of Bangladesh in Japan, will host a webinar titled Investment Opportunities in Hi-Tech Parks in Bangladesh on 16 February 2023. 

With political and economic stability, Bangladesh has been growing rapidly and is on its way to becoming a next Asian Tiger. The country has achieved an average 7% of economic growth during the past 5 years even under the Covit-19 pandemic situtation.

The webinar will focus on investment opportunities in Hi-Tech Parks established in different parts of the country. Industries in the fields such as IT/ITES, Software, Hardware Manufacturing, Biotechnology, Hi-Tech Electronics, Renewable Energy and Green Technology are encouraged to invest in Hi-Tech Parks.

Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA), established in 2010 with the objective of creating an investment-friendly environment and employment through the development and growth of high-tech industries in the country, is committed to provide necessary services to investors in Hi-Tech Parks thourgh its One Stop Services. Various incentives such as exemption of taxes and duties are also available for investors.

The webinar will be attended by the Chief Guest, Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak, MP, Honorable Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. The webinar will also feature presentations on business experiences by a Japanese investor, the latest business environment in Bangladesh as well as support services by the Embassy of Bangladesh in Japan. 

We welcome your participation to the webinar.

Seminar Outline

Date:              16 February 2023 (Thursday)
Time:              15:00-16:00 (JST) / 12:00-13:00 (Bangladesh Time)
Format:           Online seminar (Zoom)
Organized by:  UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
                      Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA)
                      Embassy of Bangladesh in Japan
Language:       Japanese-English Simultaneous Interpretation
Participation:   Free of charge

Programme (to be confirmed)

15:00-15:05    Opening Remarks
                       H.E. Mr. Shahabuddin Ahmed, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Japan

15:05-15:15    Keynote Presentation: “Investment Opportunities in Hi-Tech Parks”
                       Mr. Khandoker Azizul Islam, Managing Director, BHTPA

15:15-15:25    Presentation:  “Business Experiences in Bangladesh”
                       Mr. Masaki Horikawa, CEO, BJIT Inc.

15:25-15:35    Presentation:  “Latest Busines Environment in Bangladesh”
                       Mr. Yuji Ando, Country Representative, JETRO Dhaka

15:35-15:40    Presentation:  “How Does Embassy Facilitate Japanese Investors?”
                      Dr. Ariful Haque, Minister (Commerce), Embassy of Bangladesh in Japan

15:40-15:50    Q & A Session

15:50-16:00    Closing Remarks by the Chief Guest
                      Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak, MP, Honorable Minister of State for Information and
                      Communication Technology (ICT), Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh


For more information, please contact:

Ms. Toshinaga / Ms. Horiguchi, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo