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Event Report: 1st Entrepreneurship Development Training for Ukrainian Women and Youth in Japan

Event Report: 1st Entrepreneurship Development Training for Ukrainian Women and Youth in Japan

UNIDO’s Investment and Technology Promotion Office in Tokyo (UNIDO ITPO Tokyo) in cooperation with UNIDO ITPO Bahrain organized the first Entrepreneurship Development Training for Ukrainian Women and Youth in Japan on 10-14 June 2024 at the United Nations University in Tokyo.

The training programme was organized to support Ukrainian people living in Japan particularly evacuees and university students to become self-reliant by providing them with opportunities to learn entrepreneurship and relevant skills, enabling to generate entrepreneurial ideas and business planning for new business creation and job finding in Japan, with a view to enriching Ukrainian communities in Japan as well as giving back to Ukraine.


36 participants took part in the five-day intensive and interactive course consisting of lectures, discussions, entrepreneurs’ panel, group work, presentation, learning reflection and networking.  The programme opened with remarks by Ms. Fumio Adachi, Head of ITPO Tokyo, Mr. Hashim S. Hussein, Head of ITPO Bahrain and Ms. Alla Otverchenko, Counsellor of Embassy of Ukraine.

Subjects covered in the lectures included entrepreneurship from the global as well as Japanese perspectives, equity and debt financing, strategy including franchising, start-up ecosystem, accounting and relevant legal matters.  In the afternoon sessions from Day 2 to Day 4, participants were divided into six groups to work on business idea conceptualisation and planning for their group assignment. 


On the final day (Day 5), each group gave a short presentation of their outcomes from the group assignment and the trainers provided constructive feedback for going forward.


Following the presentation session, a closing ceremony was held in the Annex Terrace joined by Ms. Kayo Matsumoto, director of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and H. E. Mr. Sergiy Korsunsky, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Japan.    


Finally each participant was awarded a certificate in the ceremony, followed by a networking session with industry, government and non-government guests interested in supporting Ukraine and doing businesses in Ukraine. Participating guests included Nippon Foundation, NPO Kraiany, City of Yokohama, Sansei Corporation, AC Biode, Deloitte, SIIF Impact Capital, Yui-System Studio, ORJ, and Outsourcing.

A second training session is scheduled for 9-13 September 2024.

Programme Outline

Dates: 10-14 June 2024
Times: 10:00-15:00 (including lunch break from 12:00-13:00)
Venue: United Nations University (5-53-70 Jingūmae, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan)
Investment and Technology Office in Bahrain (UNIDO ITPO Bahrain)
Language: English
Programme Details



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