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UNIDO officially opens Investment and Technology Promotion Office in Nigeria

UNIDO officially opens Investment and Technology Promotion Office in Nigeria


csm_2016_Niegeria_workshop_800_f410c7d452The Federal Government of Nigeria and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) today officially opened an Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) in the capital, Abuja.


The ITPO Nigeria was established at the request of the Federal Government and is part of UNIDO’s worldwide network that covers Bahrain, China (Beijing and Shanghai), Italy, Japan, South Korea, and the Russian Federation.


Current initiatives for Nigeria include new technologies to enhance clusters for the production of industrial goods such as finished leather products, agricultural value chains to support food and beverage processing, and creative fashion and craft industries. Other upcoming initiatives with State Governments in Nigeria will promote the use of clean technologies for cooking and other domestic uses, and support for investing in sustainable energy.