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ICEF Side Event "Achieving global carbon neutrality - collaboration with developing and emerging nations" will be held online on 7 October

ICEF Side Event "Achieving global carbon neutrality - collaboration with developing and emerging nations" will be held online on 7 October

UNIDO will organize the online Side Event “Achieving global carbon neutrality – collaboration with developing and emerging nations” on 7 October 2021, as part of online events in the 2021 ICEF Program.

Every year since 2014, the Government of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and NEDO have hosted the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF) to gather leading international figures in Tokyo to discuss how to combat climate change through technological innovation. UNIDO has been supporting ICEF as one of institutional partners.

The theme for the 8th ICEF Annual Meeting (6-7 October) is “Pathways to Carbon Neutrality by 2050: Accelerating the pace of global decarbonization.” Now, carbon neutrality is becoming a hot issue in the global agenda and as part of ICEF 2021 Program, the co-hosted event by UNIDO will be organized on 7 October.

In the recent years, several countries including EU, Japan and US have initiated concrete measures to achieve “carbon neutrality by 2050.” Being the leader among the emerging economies, the Chinese Government also announced in 2020 to attain carbon neutrality by 2060. 60% of the global CO2 emission is nowadays derived from “Non-Annex I Parties” under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which are mainly developing countries, and urgent measures are required to achieve carbon neutrality on the global scale. On the other hand, energy access is not secured yet for the majority of citizens in developing countries and the issue to ensure their energy access (“energy sufficiency”) also needs to be addressed urgently to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Against this background, this session aims to provide a platform to share challenges and opportunities and facilitate constructive discussions towards resolving this global issue of achieving global carbon neutrality in collaboration with developing and emerging nations by inviting stakeholders from the government, industry and academia.



Date:    Thursday, 7 October 2021
Time:  15:00-17:00 (JST)
Format: Webinar (virtual) (*as below, please register through ICEF website)
Organizers: UNIDO, ICEF
Language: English (for Japanese audience, simultaneous interpretation into Japanese is available)
Registration fee:  Free of charge
Registration: Registration is required. Please fill out the form
*Once you register at ICEF website, all the online sessions including UNIDO-ICEF Side Event can be viewed.


Programme (tentative) 

Guest remarks
          Mr. Michihiro Kishimoto,
          Deputy Director-General for Industrial Science, Technology and Environmental Policy,
          Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan

Keynote speech
Prof. Taikan Oki,
          Former Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University;
          Special Advisor to the President of The University of Tokyo,
          Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Panel session
          Mr. Yuko Yasunaga, Head, UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office, Tokyo

          Mr. Valli Moosa (South Africa), ICEF Steering Committee Member;
          Head of the South African Presidential Climate Change Coordinating Commission;
          Former President of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

          Mr. Xu Lin (China),  Chairman of the China-U.S. Green Fund

          Mr. Wolfgang Niedermark (Germany),
          Member of Executive Board, Federation of German Industries (BDI)

          Dr. Hicham Bouzekri (Morocco),
          Director, R&D and Industrial Integration, Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN)

          Dr. Clara Landeiro (International Organization),
          Asia-Pacific Manager, Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN)

          Dr. Akira Yoshino (Japan),  Fellow and Director, Global Zero Emission Research Center,
          National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
          (Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry 2019)

Closing remarks
          Mr. Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, Deputy to the Director General, UNIDO


Contact for inquiries

UNIDO ITPO Tokyo (Mr. Murakami)
E-mail: [email protected]