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UNIDO-Sophia Univerisity Seminar

UNIDO-Sophia Univerisity Seminar

The UNIDO-Sophia University Seminar titled “Industrialization, Development and the SDGs – Your future career in the UN” will be held on 10 April at Sophia University in Tokyo. The Director of General of UNIDO, LI Yong will attend the seminar to deliver the keynote speech and also take part in a dialogue with the audience.

SDGs are getting more and more attention in Japan these days. This seminar will take up the contribution of industrial development in creating a sustainable society. A dialogue segment will focus on the role that UNIDO plays as a UN agency in industrial development. In the last part, the UN Career Talk session, professionals will discuss about ways to consider a career in the UN and about their own work and career development.

Outline of the Seminar

Date/Time:          Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 10:00-11:30
Venue:                 Sophia University, Building No.2, 17th Floor, International Conference Room
Organizers:          Sophia University,
                             United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Language:            English-Japanese with simultaneous interpretation
MC:                        Mr. Yuko Yasunaga, Head, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo 
Fees:                     Free/Registration required


10:00     Opening Remarks
              Prof. Miki Sugimura, Vice President for Academic Exchange, Sophia University

10:10     Keynote Address
Mr. LI Yong, Director General, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

10:25     Dialogue
              Moderated by Prof. Yoshi Uramoto, Center for Global Education and Discovery, Sophia University
              • Dialogue with Mr. LI Yong, Director General, UNIDO
              • Q& A with audience including university students

10:55     UN Career Talk
              Moderated by Mr. Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, Deputy to the Director General, UNIDO
              • Mr. Akira Benya, Deputy Director, Recruitment Center for International Organizations,
                 Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
              • Ms. Ikue Toshinaga, Programme Officer, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo

11:30    Closing

Registration / Contact


Contact: Sophia University  [email protected]