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Global Call for green technology and solutions towards net-zero (10/15)

Global Call for green technology and solutions towards net-zero (10/15)

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is pleased to invite you to apply for the 2022 “Global Call for green technology and solutions towards net-zero” initiated by the UNIDO Investment and Technology Promotion Office in Shanghai (ITPO Shanghai), in close collaboration with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). The Global Call 2022 will be implemented by UNIDO’s Investment and Technology Promotion (ITP) Network with its nine ITPOs around the world and with support from the UNIDO Field Office network and other UN organizations.

Inspired by the previous 2020 and 2021 UNIDO Global Calls, the 2022 initiative aims at identifying “green technology and solutions towards Net-Zero”. Its objective is to identify readily applicable and scalable solutions for green technology promotion. 

The Call is open to private sector entities (micro, small, medium, and large companies as well as startups) in the below four categories: 

1. Green Growth: Solutions for building resilient green manufacture cycle
Efficient and clean utilization of fossil energy/clean energy/energy storage and carbon neutrality application by digital    technology 

2. Advanced Digital Production: Advanced digital solutions for net-zero infrastructures and facilities
Promoting industrial design and manufacturing efficiency solutions embedded with digital technology, solutions to    optimize the green-energy assets with digital technology, digital technology application to empower regional emergency governance 

3. Agriculture & Food: Solutions for greenhouse gas emissions reduction and efficiency increase in agriculture & food
Green recycling of agricultural by-products and waste, greenhouse gas emission reduction solution, solution for green food transportation and distribution, green food packaging solutions, innovative green organic food 

4. Medical & Health: Solutions for sustainable management of medical and bio waste
Innovative solutions to set up the feasible and efficient way to reach the sustainable management of medical and bio waste 

Additional information of Global Call 2022 can be found on the dedicated website 

The registration opens now. Applications must be submitted by 15 October 2022 through the following form:

The Award Ceremony will be held by the end of 2022 in a hybrid format. The winners of the UNIDO Global Call 2022 will be prioritized as the partners with UNIDO to conduct continuous and concrete follow-up actions as below. 
1. Participation of the UNIDO Global Call 2022 Award Ceremony with the mainstream media reporting. 
2. Leverage UNIDO global advocacy resources within opportunity to showcase the winning solutions at international events. 
3. Obtain the match-making support from UNIDO ITP Network and global technology docking platform (WiiTs technology platform) to energize the winners with capital, international market and technology cooperation. 

Thank you for sharing the opportunity among the potential interested stakeholders in your network. 

For any clarification or assistance on the above, please do not hesitate to contact us ([email protected]).