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UNIDO Tokyo hosted Ms. Hajjagana Wakil MUSTAPHA, Assistant Director, Investment Promotion Office, Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission – NIPC, and Mr. Latifu Gbadebowale SALAMI, Deputy Director (Industrial), Small and Medium Enterprises Division, Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry – FMCI, from 15 to 26 June 2009.

Ms. Mustapha has been placed in charge of investment promotional activities at NIPC since 1999. Mr. Salami has been working for FMCI over 30 years, and has held the present post since 2002 after working in several Industry Development Centers. While in Japan, Ms. Mustapha and Mr. Salami introduced the investment climate of the country through individual meetings with the private sector and other relevant organizations. Please contact the persons in charge if you are interested in doing business in Nigeria and/or wish to set-up a meeting with Ms. Mustapha and Mr. Salami.

Person in charge: Mr. Hagiwara, Ms. Imazu