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A new sustainable technology on the platform (Photocatalyst Titanystar: Multi-functional TiO2 material)

A new sustainable technology on the platform (Photocatalyst Titanystar: Multi-functional TiO2 material)


Titanystar developed by Yield Co., Ltd. is a photocatayst of titanium dioxide manufactured by surface oxidation of titanium metal. Compared to general TiO2 coatings, Titanystar has higher durability and strength. Even its photocalytic performnace is deteriorated due to some damages, it can be easily regenerated by partial oxidation of the surface.
Since no inpurities are included in the material, Titanystar has higher photocatalytic performance than general TiO2 coatings. Titanystar can be applied to water purification, antibacterial materials and pollution prevention.