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Sustainable Technology Promotion Platform (STePP)

Sustainable Technology Promotion Platform (STePP)

UNIDO ITPO Tokyo’s Sustainable Technology Promotion Platform (STePP) is designed to share information on Japanese technologies that contribute to sustainable industrialization, in order to promote the transfer of such technologies to developing and emerging countries.

The technologies are evaluated for registration on STePP by the UNIDO STePP Evaluation Committee based on the following criteria;
1) Applicability in Developing and Emerging Countries
2) Competitive Advantage
3) Conformity with UNIDO’s Mandate of Industrial Development
4) Contribution to Sustainability
5) Technical Maturity

STePP registers technologies in five large categories: Energy, Environment, Agribusiness, Human Health, and Disaster Management. Explanations on what technologies are included in each category can be found below.

How to utilize or register

How to utilize the information
Contact for registration

A) Energy Technologies

– Renewable energy (ex: solar, wind, geothermal, small hydro, biomass)
– Energy saving and energy storage (ex: co-generation, storage batteries, energy saving)
– Utilization of unused resources (ex: high-efficiency and low-emission fossil fuel utilization)

B) Environmental Technologies

– Pollution prevention and control (ex: pollution prevention of air, water and soil)
– Waste treatment and management (ex: industrial and municipal waste treatment)
– Circular Economy (ex: 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) related technologies)

C) Agribusiness Technologies

– Food value chain (ex: processing and quality control of food and drinks)*1
– Production enhancement (ex: soil conditioner)
– Adaptation to climate change (ex: drip irrigation system)
– Water resource management (ex: desalination, fresh water storage)

*1: Processing, transportation, preservation or quality control of acceptable, except for real foods and drinks (beverages).

D) Human Health Technologies*2

– Public health (ex: drinking water supply, prevention of infection, toilets)
– Monitoring and diagnostic equipment (ex: simple equipment for health monitoring in remote areas)

*2: It excludes pharmaceuticals, highly invasive medical devices for the human bodies, and folk remedies, etc.

E) Disaster Management Technologies

– Disaster alert system (ex: alert for earthquakes, lightning strikes or floods)
– Disaster prevention and preparedness (ex: Slope collapse prevention, damping devices*3, lightning arresters)
– Disaster emergency response*4 (ex: temporary accommodation and related equipment, logistic systems for relief goods)

*3: It excludes earthquake-resistant housing.
*4: Production of drinking water and hygiene materials are classified into ‘D) Human Health Technologies’.

How to utilize the information

Any organizations in developing and emerging countries, such as governmental organizations, private enterprises, institutions or NGOs, are welcome to approach the technology providers on STePP.
If you are interested in the registered technologies, please send an e-mail in English to the indicated “contact person” listed in the “company data” section of the database.
For intermediation or more detailed information, please feel free to contact UNIDO ITPO Tokyo. We are willing to support your research regarding transferable technologies from Japan listed on STePP.

Please download a PDF file of the STePP Brochure;

Contact for registration

Japanese enterprises who wish to register their technologies, please contact UNIDO ITPO Tokyo, by sending a request message to
UNIDO ITPO Tokyo will not use any confidential information which it receives through the registration process for any purposes other than the above. The contents to be uploaded will be discussed between the applicant and UNIDO ITPO Tokyo, though the final decision as to which technologies should be featured on STePP is strictly under the consideration of UNIDO ITPO Tokyo.


UNIDO ITPO Tokyo’s STePP is provided “as is” without any guarantees of any kind regarding the technologies and information featured. UNIDO ITPO Tokyo does not accept any liability, whether direct or indirect, arising from any person(s) relying, whether wholly or partially, upon any of the information, product or services contained or linked from STePP.